The Donald Trump Theme

While scrolling through the international news section of La Vanguardia, there is a section with the theme of Donald Trump. I am not surprised that they have a theme dedicated to him since he is a large part of current political culture and news, however I am surprised by the articles that they published about him. The topics of the articles make appeal to his celebrity status rather than his political one. when we were learning about Catalan political parties, we discussed how the private lives of politicians is seldom discussed but it looks as if they private life of American politicians is not off limits.
One of the articles that caught my eye was one discussing the message Donald Trump sends with his handshakes. The article reports he has a strong grip that sends the message to his greeters that he is in power. Although I agree a good handshake can tell a lot about a person, I find humor in this article because it was deemed newsworthy to discuss his grip. While scrolling through the local news section of Catalunya, there are only articles about politicians and their policy, but none about their appearance, let alone their handshake. I am in no way defending the current president of the United States, however I find it unusual that the politics of the United States is deemed as important as the squeeze of our president's hands.