Quien se permite soñar?
While sitting in class the same day of the Barcelona game versus Paris, there was some shouting on the street and when we looked out we saw a small procession of mostly women walking down the streets demanding their rights as first class citizens and to no longer be treated unequally to our male counterparts. My teacher commented on the unfortunate size of the procession. I could not believe that such a big issue did not have more support but as I looked in the newspapers for that day I quickly understood why.
On the front page of La Vanguardia was a picture of the BCN fútbol team in their training gear looking anxious as if they were thinking about the big match they had that night. The caption below the photo commented on how the team was allowed to dream that maybe they would be able to achieve their nearly impossible victory. To the right of the large photo that took up the majority of the front page of Mesi and his teammates looking pensive was as small box announcing that Women's Day will be celebrated in the street this year as they protest machismo and the inequalities women face everyday. This made me wonder, who really was the one that was allowed to dream? For BCN it was a game that determined whether or not they moved on to a championship game whereas the march was for issues that women all over the world face everyday. To me it signified that woman can continue to dream as long as there are more "imporant" issues that the press can report.
The following day after the game, the headlines in the newspaper displayed more results of the Montull case and, of course, the victory of BCN and the history they made the night before. It was a deliberate statement that the press did not believe the women of the march the day before made any history. This will always be the issue as long as women are viewed as second class citizens. This is why women need to to continue to march until they are front page in the newspaper.