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Barça Fútbol

Last week while sitting in Spanish class Audrey mentioned that she wanted to attend a FC Barcelona game while before she left. I told her that my grandparents' have season tickets that we could use whenever we wanted and in that moment we decided on the next game in the coming week. Without realizing which game we chose, this game happened to be the most important and historical fútbol game of the year. The game was against Paris SG, whom FCB had played a month ago in Paris where they had a significant loss (4-0). In order to win the Champions League, FCB had to beat PSG in this game by five points. Whenever I told people that were were going to attend the game, they would just shake their head and say that the odds were not in FCB's favor. Even though I never played fútbol growing up, I knew that it is hard to score that many times in a single game.

Regardless of the impossible odds, Audrey and I decided to take advantage of the free tickets and we bought the classic Barça scarf to make it appear as if we were hardcore fans (or maybe just oblivious tourists). The energy in the stadium during the game was palpable and every call the referees made, whether it was fair or not, created a roar that traveled through the stadium. The emotions and noise was unlike anything I have ever experienced on the streets of Barcelona. Catalonians are generally not overtly passionate, but do not doubt for a moment that they do not care about their fútbol team.

During the second half of the game, pressure began to rise as PSG had scored a goal and FCB needed to score three more goals in 20 minutes. When the man behind me pushed my FCB flag out of the air in order to clear his view, I noted that tensions in the stadium were high and to never block someone's view at a fútbol game. Just before the 90 minutes of playing time was up, FCB scored a goal. By that point people had started to leave thinking it was impossible for FCB to score enough points to win. The game ended up going into over-time and within 8 minutes, FCB scored the other two goals they needed in order to win. The stadium roared as very person jumped out of their seats cheering and hugging their neighbors. The man sitting behind me, who I had annoyed with my flag waving, threw his arms around Audrey and I and embraced us. It was a remarkable game that left everyone in shock and amazement. My friends back home who follow fútbol found out I went to the game and they were very jealous.

I had always planned on going to at least one FCB game while I was hear, I just never expected it to be the best game of the year.


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